What is a keloid scar?

A keloid scar occurs when scar tissue continues to form after a wound has closed. It extends above the skin and is usually skin colored, pink or purple. Keloid scars tend to grow over time and the affected area may be tender, itchy, or hurt when touched.

What causes keloid scars?

The exact cause of keloid scars is unknown, although research suggests it may be associated with the cell signals responsible for growth. Typically, keloid scars form as a result of infection or injury to the skin, although hereditary factors may also play a role in their development. In some cases, body piercing may cause keloid scars to form around the site of the piercing. While keloid scars can affect people of all skin types, they are especially prevalent in people of darker skin types. Keloid scars most commonly form on the earlobes, shoulders, chest and back; in rare cases, they may also form on the face.

How are keloid scars diagnosed?

Keloid scars can usually be diagnosed by looking at the affected area. A biopsy may be taken to rule out the possibly of other skin conditions.

  • Treatment of Keloid scars
Treatment of Keloid scars

Keloid scars are difficult to eliminated; in some cases, they can only be reduced in appearance. Several treatment options are currently available at Advanced skin Clinic:

– Cortisone injections may be administered on a monthly basis until the keloid scar has been reduced in size.

– Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen to freeze keloid scars.

– Intralesional cryotherapy (Cryoshape) is a new treatment method that destroys the keloid’s cells with a cold cryoprobe inserted in the keloid scar. This innovate treatment has proven extremely effective, with over 97% of patients experiencing a significant reduction in the size of their keloids.

– Silicone sheets can be worn on the site of the keloid scar for several hours a day over the course of a few weeks. Its success varies.

– Surgery may be performed to remove carefully selected keloid scars. To minimize recurrence rates, this form of treatment is always combined with steroidal injections or radiation.

The exact course of treatment for a keloid scar varies from patient to patient. Our dermatologist will develop a customized treatment plan based on your specific condition and medical history.

To learn more about keloid scars, contact us today to schedule an appointment with our dermatologists.

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