Eccrine bromhidrosis
The clinician’s perception of smell is the only tool needed to diagnose bromhidrosis. Taking a medical history may reveal diseases or conditions that contribute to the occurrence of bromhidrosis e.g. obesity, diabetes mellitus, and intertrigo.
One distinction the clinician must be aware of is the difference between the true bromhidrosis patient and the bromhidrosiphobic individual. Bromhidrosiphobic patients have a morbid dread of bodily odours and their sensory delusions can be an early warning sign of schizophrenia.
The two main factors to consider when treating bromhidrosis are to:
Improved hygiene and topical therapy are the main treatment options for mild cases of bromhidrosis and may include the following.
If hyperhidrosis is a contributing factor, this needs to be treated first, usually with the use of antiperspirants.
The treatments described above do not offer a cure for bromhidrosis and results can often be short lived and incomplete. A visit to a specialist physician may provide more permanent treatment options, and include:
If hyperhidrosis is a contributing factor, this needs to be treated first, usually with the use of antiperspirants. If this fails and the hyperhidrosis is a problem in its own right, then the following options may be considered:
These treatments may not help the bromhidrosis, however, as this condition is often independent of hyperhidrosis and, as mentioned above, may in some cases be lessened by associated hyperhidrosis.
For further details on these options see hyperhidrosis: treatment available from a specialist.