The most common signs of aging are photodamage, age spots, hand veins, wrinkles around the eyes, and wrinkles around the mouth. Read below to learn more.
Photodamage occurs after years of sun exposure. It may cause discoloration, enlarged blood vessels and/or pores, coarse skin, freckles, or spider veins. It is a common misconception that photodamage only affects individuals that consistently use tanning beds or go to the beach. On the contrary, photodamage can occur as a result of incidental exposure, from activities such as driving in a car or attending an outdoor sporting event. Non ablative lasers are typically used to treat photodamage, restoring skin to a more youthful state.
Age Spots
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 90 percent of discolorations, fine lines and wrinkles occur as a result of sun exposure. Also known as liver spots or sunspots, age spots appear on the backs of the hands and other areas of the skin that are commonly exposed to the sun. Laser treatment or photorejuvenation may be used to treat age spots.
Hand Veins
As people age, their hands lose fat tissue and their skin starts thinning. This causes veins to appear more prominently on the hands. Sclerotherapy, lasers, or injectable fillers may be used to treat hand veins.
Wrinkles Around the Eyes
Smiling, frowning and other facial expressions are part of daily life. Each time a facial expression is made, grooves form under the skin. As skin ages, it loses its elasticity, leaving permanent wrinkles around the eyes. These wrinkles may include crow’s feet, which extend from the outer corners of the eyes, or glabellar lines, which are vertical lines between the eyebrows. Laser treatments can be used to reduce crow’s feet, while Botox injections can be administered to reduce glabellar lines.
Wrinkles Around the Mouth
Aging leads to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines around a person’s mouth. Smokers are especially susceptible to developing wrinkles around the mouth, as the chemicals from cigarette smoke and the puckering motion associated with smoking speed up the aging process. Injectable fillers are typically used to treat wrinkles around the mouth; their results last anywhere between 3 months and 2 years.
Regardless of their cause, treatments are available to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Botox or injectable fillers can reduce wrinkles in a minimally-invasive manner, with no downtime required. Their results can last anywhere between 3 months and 2 years.
Lasers may also be used to treat aging skin; commonly used lasers include CO2 resurfacing. The CO2 laser uses ultrapulsed light beams that remove thinning sections of skin with minimal disruptions to surrounding tissue. As the skin heals following laser treatment, natural collagen production is boosted beneath the skin, providing patients with rejuvenated, youthful-looking skin.
We Can Help
Our dermatologists will develop a customized treatment plan based on your specific concerns and medical history.
Certain aspects of how humans age cannot be altered or changed, however, many can. Therefore, the earlier you begin maintaining the health and wellness of your skin and on the treatments available to help delay the aging process, the longer you will look young.
To learn more about skin aging and how to prevent premature aging, contact our offices today.
In order to minimize the effects of aging on their skin, you need to start early. Below are a few tips on how to prevent or minimize the effects of skin aging.
Life-style adjustments such as:
Home care. Home skin care is very important. This should include anti-aging products such as
Many Medical treatment options exist for minimizing and reversing the effects of aging on their skin such as